Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Performance-Based Assessments and More!

Students in Ms. Barbas's first grade classroom 
worked on a project about nonfiction books and each student 
produced a performance-based assessment by either painting a picture, 
drawing a diagram, or writing a poem about their topic.  
Please see some examples below.

Community Outreach
The Linus project .org  
Hands on activity for ELs where 
they use a lot of language including
descriptive words to complete tasks
 as they cut,snip,knot,measure,design 
and help the greater community.
Great Team work!

What students THINK they'll look like when they turn
  100 Years Old.

Kindergarten Students Display Kindness!

MATH -100th Day 
Counting by 5's,10's and learning place value 
Students learning English - Name and count objects 
 and build on prior knowledge. 

STEM - Simply Lemon Battery
Parent Volunteer in the 5th Grade Classroom
STEM: Using content language in science to 
innovate, explore,and collaborate with 
peers to create final product.


Trivia Bee
Fifth Grade Students participating in the Trivia Bee 
from All 5 Elementary Schools

 LSPA Co-Chair Participants Show their fun Spirit!

Lincoln Fifth Graders

Creative Costumes by Participants