Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Artists As Engineers At Lincoln School

 Art Teacher, Ms. Costello, teaches students how to be Artists as well as Engineers!  That's right, students use their creativity as well as their problem-solving skills to build all sorts of designs.  Ms. Costello offers this class to all grade levels, beyond the regularly scheduled art classes that students already participate in.  Thank You Ms. Costello!

GRADE 4:  Hazel Lovins, Julia Boyd, and Ariana Brooks
Created A Doll With A Pillow Suit. 

They based their problem on the book entitled, Roller Girl.   Astrid,
the main character in this book, has trouble roller skating with her peers.
She was falling a lot and felt left out.  They created the pillow suit to help
 her not get hurt or scared while still learning to skate.


 Lincoln Students Celebrate 
The 100th Day of  School!