Winchester “Plays It Forward”
Please donate new or gently used sports equipment for a good cause! The Winchester Plays it Forward Committee is seeking donations of new and gently used sports equipment to benefit children in need across the globe.
We are collecting the following equipment:
- Baseballs/Softballs
- Baseball/Softball gloves
- Baseball/Softball bases
- Umpire gear
- Catchers gear
- Little League bats
- Batting helmets
- Soccer balls
- Cleats
- Gym balls
- Cones
- Hockey helmets
- Shin guards
- Tennis Rackets
- Hockey sticks
- Lacrosse sticks
- Lacrosse pads
- Footballs
- Hockey Skates
- Track shoes
Bins will be placed in the lobby of the Lincoln
Elementary School from May 28th-June 14th.
Winchester Plays it Forward will also be holding an equipment collection drive at the Sons of Italy parking lot on June 15th from 8am -11am.

May Day Celebration
Lincoln School
Friday, May 24, 2019
9:00 AM