Please Enjoy Photos From Our
Literacy Day and Night Events.
A Special Thank You to our Reading Coach, Ella MacLeod;
Reading Teacher, Stascia Pollack; and Social Emotional Coach,
Stacey Bukarus, and the many additional staff members who
volunteered their time and extra efforts to make both our Literacy Day
and Night Events such a success!
Harvard Staff and Students are greeted by Ms. MacLeod before
heading off to read to students in grades K - 5
Another Special Visitor Came to Lincoln!
Fifth Grade Morning Announcers
Eva, Arriana, and Audrey
WFEE Fall Gala - Saturday, November 2nd
If you are planning to dazzle with a new chapeau and dance the night away on November 2nd you need to finalize your plans now.
There are a handful of tickets left for Hats Off for Education!, WFEE's fall gala that offers tasty treats, cocktails, charity blackjack, and dancing.
Tickets available at, all proceeds benefit our children and their educators
What is WFEE?
Creativity, innovation, and excitement - WFEE (Winchester Foundation for Educational Excellence) exists to bring all those things to the Winchester Public Schools. Founded in 1992, WFEE is deeply rooted in the community, grateful for the support of neighbors that has allowed us to donate nearly $5 million to the Winchester public schools. Our initiatives touch every student in the district through:
-Education and professional development grants - annual seed money for creative projects that span every public school in Winchester
-System wide initiatives - gifts to meet critical needs apparent in all Winchester schools. WFEE recently completed an $850,00 campaign, powerED UP! designed to transform learning in all Winchester classrooms through the effective integration of technology. Through our efforts, WPS updated wireless infastructure, management software, purchased thousands of student devices and provided teacher training across all grade levels.
Lincoln School Has Many Wonderful Social Emotional Books, Including This One!
Note by Dr. Edward Hallowell, from the book,
Mrs. Corski, I think I Have The Wiggle Fidgets

Training Active Bystanders (TAB) for 4th
and 5th Grades
Over the next few weeks, the LSPA along with Lincoln School Faculty and
Staff will be offering the TAB program presented by Quabbin Mediation to
our 4th and 5th grade students. We hope this email helps you
discuss the program with your children and understand the
social-emotional learning they will receive. We would love to hear
from you if your child enjoyed the program or learned important skills
from it or, on the other hand, if they were uncomfortable or didn't like
the program. Please feel free to reach out to your child's teacher
or This program was made possible
by the generous donations to the direct appeal.
What is TAB (Training Active
A bystander is a witness—someone who sees a harmful situation and has a
choice to make: Do I do something? If so, what do I do?
Training Active Bystanders (TAB) helps participants recognize when they
are bystanders, analyzes the situation in which they find themselves, and
evaluate the consequences for everyone involved. The TAB curriculum
heightens bystanders’ power. It teaches how bystanders can interrupt harm
doing and generate positive actions by others. We emphasize that active
bystandership does not mean aggression against the harm doer. It means
taking responsible action to help people in need, instead of remaining
passive and becoming complicit. TAB gives bystanders the competencies
they need when they witness something they feel is unfair, or wrong, or
troubling. When people have the tools to create justice in the moment of
need, it can transform those who take the training, the trainers, and the
TAB is taught by trainers to their communities, which makes the TAB
message powerfully relevant and applicable across demographics. The
lessons are interactive, using games, small group activities, group
brainstorming, role plays and journal-writing. The power of TAB comes
from those who engage in it—the teachers and the participants, the way
the program becomes, through conversation, specifically relevant to their
lives. Each group walks away from that experience with a changed and empowered
vision of an individual’s role in creating a supportive and engaged
Key Language and
Concepts for Conversations with your children:
· Bystander: A witness, someone who is in
a position to know what is happening and to act
· Active Bystander: A bystander who acts
to stop harm
· Passive or negative bystander: One who
ignores, watches passively, joins in and is complicit in what is
· Target: The recipient of harm
· Harm doer: The person who engages in
doing harm to others
Promoters of active
· Empathy
· Self-interest, reciprocity
· Inclusive caring
· Responsibility for others
· Competency to help
· Moral courage
Inhibitors of
active bystandership:
· Pluralistic ignorance
· Ambiguity of the need for help
· Diffusion of responsibility
· Fear of disapproval
· Danger or cost of helping
Thank you to the LSPA for Sponsoring this Enrichment Program
For Our Fourth and Fifth Grade Students.