Greetings Lincoln Students and Family Members,
I am writing to let you all know that I am thinking of you during these very uncertain times and realize this may be especially stressful for many students and their families. Please know the Lincoln Staff and I are here to support each and every student and their family members.
Lincoln staff have done a tremendous job of creating many different learning activities for all of the grade levels and various subject areas, including social and emotional learning activities. However, we also don't want students or parents to become overwhelmed with all that is being offered. Please remember to make choices that feel right for you and your family. I strongly recommend you
also build in family time and add in the choices where they fit best and according to your child's(ren's) learning styles, readiness, and family structures, and more.
I hope you will visit my blog during the next few weeks while we are participating in distance learning together.
Below is a message from Ms. Battinelli and other elementary wellness staff members.
Ms. Clough
Hello Winchester Families,
We hope you and your family are staying positive and healthy and finding some ways to keep the time passing. I know this is uncharted waters for most, so The Wellness Team wanted to reach out and let you know how we can help in the next few weeks.
Beginning Wednesday the district will be starting "distance learning", this is all optional (FUN) work that students and families can choose to do to stay fit, moving and healthy. Try the activities and suggestions each day. Check off the days you complete. Maybe you can even do it 2 times per day to get those wiggles out. See if you can complete at least 3-5 days a week.
Another terrific way to see how the Winchester Wellness Department is staying active and healthy is follow us on Instagram @WinchesterWellnessatHome. We are posting daily ideas for nutrition, exercise, healthy choices, hygiene and MORE!!!
Here is a great link to check out if you are looking to hike/walk with your family.
We are looking forward to staying healthy with you!
The Elementary Wellness Department