Thank you to Meredith Thompson Knight and the many other parent volunteers, students, and other community members who worked diligently to make this evening such a success. If you weren't able to attend, please take a look at the photos below which were taken throughout the night. I hope they capture and convey the innovative learning stations, creativity, and fun had by all!

Can't wait until next year!
Got Change?
The Lincoln Kids Care Club is collecting spare change to support St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital.
Donations will be collected
in grade level jars outside the main office.
Our school-wide goal is $500.
***The grade that raises the most money
will win a prize!***
Please donate by Friday, March 18th!
Coins for Kids!
The Lincoln Kids Care Club is collecting spare change to support St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital.
Donations will be collected
in grade level jars outside the main office.
Our school-wide goal is $500.
***The grade that raises the most money
will win a prize!***
Please donate by Friday, March 18th!
25 Places to Find Spare Change to Donate to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
1. Couch cushions
2. Washing machine
3. Dryer
4. Under your car seats
5. Coat pockets (including the ones hanging in your closet)
6. Pockets of your clothes
7. Purses (active and inactive)
8. Wallets (active and inactive)
9. Old greeting cards (may find a green bill or two in a card from Grandma)
10. Desk drawers
11. Buried in the yard
12. Attic or closet storage boxes
13. Suitcases
14. Under the radiators
15. Under the carpet
16. On top of or under the refrigerator
17. Old piggy banks
18. Junk drawers
19. Old grocery bags
20. Kids toy box
21. Kitchen cabinets
22. Under the porch/deck
23. In the bed
24. In the clothing hamper
25. Old jars/cups
Go Gold Day!
Friday, March 18
A gold ribbon symbolizes childhood cancer.
Wear gold or yellow on Friday, March 18th to show your support and help raise awareness about childhood cancer.
What can I wear?
- Gold jewelry
- Gold/yellow: hat, socks, nail polish, shirt, shoes, hair tie, sticker, etc.!
Ms. Thomashow's Third Grade
Student's Writing
Ms. Duval's Second Grade Class
Earned Camp Day
Student's Writing
Ms. Thomashow: Grade 3 |
Ms. Duval's Second Grade Class
Earned Camp Day