Look What's Coming in the Month of October!

It is my great pleasure to announce the upcoming Autumnal WPS Student Art Exhibition at the Winchester Public Library! There are over 80 young artists from grades K-12 being featured in this year's exhibit.
Please check the attached list to find your student's name along with a general description of their selected work- all students are listed under their 2018-2019 School.
Works were chosen during the June 2019 Town Day Exhibition by guest juror, Artist/Educator Julie Williams-Krishnan. We thank her for her time and her passion for supporting young artists!
This exhibit will be on display from October 3 through November 30th.
Tuesday, November 5th from 4:30 - 6:30 pm a special reception will be held at the Library for the participating artists, their family and friends.
Refreshments will be served and awards will be presented to each of the artists.
We are very grateful for the Library's generosity in hosting the exhibition each year.
We are equally grateful for the support and fine craftsmanship of Andrew at Frame Haven, Dave at Winchester Art and Frame and for the first time Jack and John at Metro Frame! These local businesses have donated their time, materials and expertise in framing each and every 2-D piece of art in this exhibit. Their professionalism has made this show even more spectacular!
Congratulations again to our young artists and their teachers for kicking off the 2019-20 school year with a stunning art show!